Holy Desperationland....

*This post is concerns something i wanted to write for a very long time. its perhaps one of the "most imporant" ones i've written yet.*

This morning i picked up the 'city' supplement of Hindustan Times which I barely read (except for the movie schedules) coz I get two other newspapers. I decided to read all the three papers cover to cover just like that (bad idea) I came across this really really sad column called "dil se.." in HT city. I thought I'd read it for a good laugh (another bad idea). And thats when I got a serious shock. There were several messages there that could classify as "horrifying", "pathetic" or a really really high superlative for "lame". Shit man...it was all about desperate people trying to hook themselves up with other desperate people.
Now if it was all about middle aged 'teenagers' who suck at maintaining their lives I wudnt have given a rat's ass. But this was people under 25, man. Ok...im still not able to make a point here.
Well..there was one message.. "Can we friendship with each other?...from 'J' " Now this guy is SOOOO smart...he wrote a message (in what he may want to call English) and no one even knows his identity!!...HOW COOL...(fuck him...bloody S.O.B...). And the guy's probably laughing secretly somewhere thinking he's a real smart ass. As most of us kno...he's a real JACKASS... Firstly for the message, and secondly for his "carefully chosen secret identity that no one knows about"(asshole)
I completely disagree with the concept of that column man. Some cheap son of a bitch hoping to hook up with some female who's probably sadder than him, reading that column looking for possible "life partners". Jeez...How desperate can one get? Its not even like these people want to get laid quickly or something. Its just that they want loadsa attention and loadsa pampering which their present set of pals cant satisfy (to my immense surprise *sarcastically*)
There were messages like "I'm a handsome guy, 20 yrs old and need a friend..any gals interested?" Now SHIT those who say stuff like this. The guy wants a FrIeND...oooh....he's lonely..ooh...he's an asshole..ooh....
Damn him..and damn everybody LIKE him. Thats Indian Youth for you ladies and gentlemen. Love hungry, Overhorny, depressed and desperate asswipes who are sad excuses for human beings. Fuck 'em all. That column (as i can guess) was meant for people "professing their undying love" for their loved ones. And it turned into a goddamn dating service. No wait...dating service is such a decent term. Its a bloody despoz association or something. One despo asking another despo to get rid of their despo nature.
"HI! im Aman....ur Aditya's friend..i wanna be ur friend too...reply thru this columnn!!" well...FUCK YOU Aman. FUCK YOU Aditya. and FUCK YOU u skinny bitch whosoever you are trying to use this column to get laid like ur a pro slut or something. GET A LIFE U FAGGOTS!
Next thing you kno...you'll have gay people sending all sorts of gay messages. It will turn into a freakin' dog show a few months from now.
Its not just this stupid column. Its the whole idea about desperate people around you. "I wanna be loved" "i wanna be in love" "i want some excitement...i need a guy" "i need a girl"
You have so many youngsters looking upto ur generation guys. Is this the kinda madness you want them to learn? Or is it that u don't care. I hope its the latter coz atleast that will place u as stupid and not evil.
I've read about people committing suicides after break ups and unsuccessful proposals. Well screw everybody who killed themselves coz of it. I don't care if the girl/guy u wanted turned out to be a total dust cunt. You don't have my sympathy at all.... Your family does. People who gave a damn as to whether u lived or died. They are the ones suffering. Whats it to you u sick coward?
I officially hate despos. And i would NEVER in my life befriend one.
We're young. Energetic. Theres So much we can do. Is it SO necessary to become something like this to gain attention? Why not take the harder route and do something worthwhile to get recognition? I don't ask for attention. I have enough of it already. But I still work towards honour, glory and respect. And these are things you wouldn't even understand if someone told you on ur face. Because you havent got space to squeeze this stuff in ur pea sized brain since it is full of the next few mushy ideas about how ur gonna approach ten different girls at the same time or ten different boys at the same time and then take whosoever is stupid (read deserate) enough to see ur pathetic sad face everyday for the rest of their miserable life!
I am bloody PROUD to be a part of the gang I have now. We may not be partying late night. But we still have our priorities right. And I'm fuckin' sure that we're gonna be helluva lot happier than u miserable lot anyday.
still fuming...but cheers anyway...

Nice Guy Theory ( I )

When u kno for sure that ur gonna get jacked. You might as well give in completely or not give in at all. Both ways, one thing is clear. Be in extremes. I mean...make yourself feel a tiny little bit better for a little while by doing something out of convention. I'm ofcourse talking in relative terms.
One of my best friends had this philosophy which is best explained in the following quote. "If you are sure to get raped, you might as well enjoy it". One may laugh it off as a raunchy one liner or something. But this ones definitely got a lot of meaning. i mean...u KNOW ur gonna get screwed....why not get screwed in style?
I remember about several instances in school where i knew i was gonna get into trouble. And on one of them i thought..."alright..this is it...im not taking this shit..." Since i bunked in the freakiest ways possible (it wasnt just for the high...honest!) i knew i was gonna get suspended sometime soon. So i just blew up..gave the details about what i did during the bunks, where i went, etc etc. to the teachers. I mean...I was DAMN good at planning it all out. you HAD to give me credit. I was like.."im getting the letter....why not get it on lighter terms". It was a wonderful feeling facing the punishment (no suspension...loadsa homework, tho i prefer the former)

It wasn't the kinda punishment that made me like it. It was the circumstances in which i earned it. Point being...if the entire gang is laughing their heads off as you are going into serious details about how you screwed up at the fence while jumping over and tore ur pants and stuff...who's gonna let you off? But atleast it didn't upset everyone. The things u can do by being funny...its amazing. Even the teachers were like, "then what happened?"

Point is...if u kno ur gonna get fucked sometime soon, there isn't much need to brace urself..u kno its coming. Go with the flow and get super involved. Facing away aint gonna help. I had another pal. This one was gonna ask out this super hot chick who looked as tho she was from Veela-land or something. We all knew she wasn't gonna give a damn. He knew it too. But he went over and said all he had to which full confidence. He didn't pee in his pants for one thing. He was smart...and he said everything the way u see in those "oh thats perfect romance" shit flicks.The girl actually considered!!. She said a polite no however...but the whole deal made him damn happy! Coz the chick didn't hate him for existing!
Say, ur gonna die. this guy with a gun's about to kill you. and you KNOW there aint escape. I mean, NO way out. Watcha gonna do mate? Curl up and die? Or say "please Mr Big Mosnter Face...please don't use ur Big monster gun on me!!"?? Its better to rush in and fight. U may die. But u aint gonna die a wimp. You kicked him in the nutsack and he's howling with pain inside, probably wondering whether he's gonna become daddy someday or not. You might even win. The human mind has improvising capacities still undiscovered. U never kno. You just might whip his ass in the end and survive...
So thats my point...just go and do it man. Face whatever comes the way u would want to. Back off with pride man. Live with a lil bit of dignity rather than sulk in fear and die without respect. Who gives a crap as to whats gonna happen if u kno the outcome already. Just do stuff your way. Rest of the nonsense can wait
P.E.A.C.E !

есть всегда кое-что худшее

No. I don't know Russian. My dads best friend does though. He was a part of MI some time ago.Anyway, what the stuff up there written in Russian means, is something i know. The literal translation would be "There's always something worse". My translation would be- "Shit can get thicker when ur in it." No seriously! Its, infact, an old Russian saying. And (if you are really really dumb) it means that if u think ur having a bad day u ought to be thankful that things could be a lot worse.
Now this one here, is aimed at some really really lame characters, with really really lame problems, regarding really really lame issues, and who deal with them in a really really lame way.Everybody thinks that their problems are of the highest order. The more they think on those lines. The more they sound like the douches of highest order.
You see...I am really really scared of people who have problems. I mean..even I used to talk about how bad stuff happened to me and use to sulk about it all the time. But I never got too far.I always got back to my normal
'jesus created a fellow like me, so who gives a crap?' mode. But when i speak to some other people about what their problems are. Everything goes in different directions and none of the usual conventional lines about "things will get better" or "dont worry all becomes nice in the end" etc etc. work. Its really pissing off. Yes, stereotypical advice sucks ass.
One of the things about listening to peoples problems is that it makes u wonder whether u are having a bad time or a "worse time".
For example, if Tom is lamenting about his super sad love life to Jerry while heating him on a frying pan u definitely know that Jerry's having the "worse time". Thing is...that jerry could have been in a worse situation. He could have been burnt directly, roasted, grated, chopped or even stuffed with cheese (no...thats a good thing actually). But while he's in a frying pan..he can escape.The reader may think "thats bad logic!". But since when did Tom and jerry follow the usual laws of newtonian physics?
Another thing I've learned about bad times is that a lot of it happens when u have an over sized ego. U kno what i mean...stupid people thinking of themselves to be height of cool...taking a severe downfall and then sulking about its
unexected nature and how it shoudlnt have happened to them and shit. Ego is a very bad thing when it comes to this. U feel it broken and its possibly the worst kinda thing to be felt (but like i said..theres something worse perhaps). Somebody does u wrong, ur too egoistic to admit it and it gives u a serious kick in the butt to think about it coz u kno it deep inside that you on ur own got urself into this mess. But recieving a blow to ur ego is not the worst thing is it? Things could definitely get worse ryt?
That DPS chick thought that she got the worse when her MMS leaked and the whole country saw her 'doin it'. Things got worse when she received an offer from some adult film company. See? theres ALWAYS something worse.
Rakhi Sawant thought she had the worst when she lost the publicity case against Mika. Things got worse when the 'Pappi' song came out and she was living in isolation for some lame reality show having NO idea as to what was happening outside.
Jack Sparrow thought he had it worst when bootstrap gave him "the mark". things got worse when Elizabeth made sure he got swallowed by the Kracken.
Dumbledore thought he had it worst when he got killed. Things got worse when Rowling claimed he was gay!!
I thought i had the worst when i had to wipe dog poo all over my house coz of my new pup. Things got worse when she developed diarrhea after medication. I DO have a point u see..
There are people who still don't get it. For them the worst that can happen is their partners ditching them, or their parents not giving them enough cash, or their image crashing down coz of something stupid..blah blah blah...I don't understand. I thought i was narrow minded. But with the world full of so many desperate people...i think im a pretty good guy..
Trust me. I have SEEN people lamenting about how desperate they are. And i have SEEN people dying in the ways imaginable by only Quentin Taratino. The contrast isn't very hard to miss u kno!
HAH! The reader here might be thinking
'Wtf is wrong with this guy!!'. I wud say...EVERYTHING!!...But i aint vendettizing or anything...just speculating like i usually do. Coz if ur gonna get raped by jack the ripper...things could get worse and u might be fingered by Captain Hook...

cheers! (or not...)

Why Mustang?

Since this is one of those moments when i don't feel like being funny or interesting (but DO feel like writing) I'm gonna stick to something safe lest i get into trouble for writing something i didnt think of and was read by the IDF (who will plan my assassination in like ten seconds and execute me in another ten)
I was just wondering whether the name of my blog "mustang heart" is apt or not. The mustang for some of us is the drool worthy Ford vehicle nicknamed Sally. For some its the new officer in the regiment. For some, the little kick ass bike. For some, the album by Dragon Ash. And for the more sensible and literate (like me) the wild breed of horses.
I had two things in mind when I thought of Mustang. First was that it was one animal that had real class. And secondly, it was really wild. It was infact, the latter, that made me relate to the Mustang. The idea of a wild and free life is what appeals to loads of people. And i am no exception. Most of us, in our blogs, our profiles, our webpages try to portray ourselves as what we want to be and NOT what we are. we can impress loads of insignificant people with some lameass liguistic skills we may have picked up from pointless heavy english classics. Its true. and if u are offended by what i just said. Don't bother to read on. I used to do that too. tried to pose myself as a suave and thorough gentleman on all my pages and later on realized its not worth it. I came back to my simple wild image after that.
Through out the last two years of my school life, i wasted a lot of time trying to be something i was not. Living through opinionated circumstances arising out of perhaps my own fool hardiness.
It took me a LOT of time to realize that it was SO not me. I ended up becoming this wannabe kinda guy or something man..
It was so defeating to look back at my life at that time that i didnt think i could get any better.Later on i felt that i was all wrong. I was meant to be wild and eccentric and funny and all the explosive things. I reverted back to it all.
I am, i swear, bursting with what i have inside my head right now. I wanna let it all out. Just bidding my time that when the moment arises im gonna blow up with all the humor and all the great things i have locked up in me. At that point of time i think i will become the true mustang.I have SO much in me that i think one life time won't be enough to take it all out. I'm just waiting. Let the day come and i'll show u what Mustangs can really do.

Till then, i wait.
Cheers for now.